Your Pregnant! Now What?!
Prepare for the Pregnancy with Flow of Life
You most likely won't have a doctor visit until the end of your first trimester - around 10-12 weeks.
But there is SO much happening in your body - not to mention your mind, heart, and soul. We want to help you prepare NOW for a healthy and fulfilling pregnancy, and address your long running list of questions.
What’s included in our
[ON DEMAND] Early Pregnancy Kit?
A recorded two-hour early pregnancy class, addressing
What EXACTLY is happening in your body?
Common discomforts
Ways to incorporate movement
Tapping into the awe of this experience
Three PDFs, including "Questions to Ask Your Care Provider"
Want to ...
Learn the nuts and bolts of pregnancy?
Have confidence choosing a care provider and securing a support team for pregnancy and birth?
Begin processing the emotional changes brought about by pregnancy, new parenthood, and postpartum?
Join us today to prepare your heart and mind for early pregnancy!