Pelvic Floor 101
the flow of life yoga the flow of life yoga

Pelvic Floor 101

KNOW YOUR ANATOMY in order to create BALANCE in your pelvic floor!

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Bodywork in Pregnancy & Postpartum
the flow of life yoga the flow of life yoga

Bodywork in Pregnancy & Postpartum

How's your body feeling?

We wish that bodywork was an integral part of perinatal health care, but unfortunately it's not. Bodywork has the power to impact how you feel during pregnancy, how you labor during birth, and the state of your body postpartum, no matter how your birth unfolds.

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Curious about the Birth Work World?
the flow of life yoga the flow of life yoga

Curious about the Birth Work World?

Did prenatal yoga have an impact on you and your family? Are you interested in bringing this work, community-building, and embodied awareness into your own professional life?

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Preparing for Postpartum
the flow of life yoga the flow of life yoga

Preparing for Postpartum

At our weekly Flow of Life meeting we were discussing this week’s newsletter theme, and it came up that perhaps it was time for me (Sue Ann) to write about preparing for postpartum. I hesitated a bit because writing this makes things a little more real. As these things tend to do, the topic continued to come up in my life over the following days. So, here it goes, this is my process for preparing for postpartum.

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Holiday Gift Guide
the flow of life yoga the flow of life yoga

Holiday Gift Guide

As a parent, I sort of dread the holidays. My son has enough toys, you feel me? The extra stuff tends to overwhelm my toddler and leads to meltdowns. So, this year, I’ve committed to gift practical, usable, or experience based. What does that mean? LESS STUFF and MORE MEANINGFUL CONNECTION!

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Let’s Talk About Sleep
the flow of life yoga the flow of life yoga

Let’s Talk About Sleep

Mama, how you sleepin?

A common pregnancy woe is sleep.

Whether you’re uncomfortable, restless or waking up for the million-eth time to pee.

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