The Best Labor Position is … Movement!

In movies and TV shows, we almost always see birthing folks laboring while lying down.

But there are SO many positions to labor in! And practicing them beforehand only helps build your confidence and make them feel more second-nature when it’s time to labor.

πŸ“– So what are the positions that are supported by research to help labor progress?

Standing positions: Standing/ Walking/ Lunging
πŸ₯ Uses gravity to encourage baby downward
πŸ₯ Staying active can help lead to a shorter labor

Partner Positions: Slow Dancing/ Using a Rebozo
πŸ’• Movement to music can create a rhythm/ ritual for contraction coping
πŸ’• Can be restful & increase comfort
πŸ’• Allows partner to provide physical support

Birth Ball/ Peanut Ball Positions: Sitting & Squatting
πŸ₯œ Can help rotate baby into the right position
πŸ₯œ Allows you to shift your weight for comfort

Bed/ Couch Positions:
Kneeling on Hands & Knees, Side Lying
πŸ›οΈ Can help relieve pressure & discomfort
πŸ›οΈ Allows partner to provide back massage or counter pressure


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